An area featuring a distinctive geological heritage and hosting an impressive number of geosites
noted for their rarity, scientific and educational value, and arresting beauty.



Geosites are the sites that essentially relate the scientific and geologically significant cultural history of the Geopark. The sites vary significantly in their academic/cultural raisons d'etre, and many combine varying levels of interests and intangible heritage. 

The Geosite file includes basic information on these sites. Several, located outside the Geopark boundaries, are included as basic geologic reference points of the greater region.  

 On each panel: 

- Geosites are located with GIS or GPS data. An interactive map of the Geopark and locations is included. 

- All geosites have been studied and published data occurs in the following references (as summarized in the geosite panels). Reference abbreviations are as follow: 

  • GNDb:224 = Greek National Database with site number 
  • GGGP: Site documented in Geologist’s Guide to the Greveniotiki Pindos 
  • GGWM: Site documented in Geologist’s Guide to West Macedonia-Greece 
  • GW: Site included in Geowonder Project 
  • O: Other 
  • O1 Brunn 1956 
  • O2 Jones 1990 
  • O3 Fieldtrip guidebook Rassios and others 2008 
  • O4 Myhill 2008 

We are applying QR codes accessible by cell phone for each site; small signs with these codes are being installed at each locality.
